What's Inside
“Sankofa (SAHN-koh-fah) – A Twi word from the Akan Tribe of Ghana meaning, “go back and get it.” Its literal translation comes from the Akan proverb, "Se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenkyiri," meaning, "It is not taboo to go back for what you forgot (or left behind)." Sankofa is a phrase that encourages learning from the past to inform the future, reaching back to move forward, and lifting as we climb.”
The creation of Sankofa inside the Infiniverse offers the best cultural footprint creative entrepreneurs, artists, designers and novice users bring into the village. Using the Oculus Quest 2, I invite you to come inside and build a special community based on the principles of Sankofa and sharing the light of beauty that is peoples of all colors. I have invested in utilizing the past with the present which allows me and others to be more effective agents in directing our experience and footprint shaping the Infiniverse. The impact on our collective virtual future is important. We aspire to define the terms by which we are present, represented and involved. We honor those who are sharing the benefits of being virtually connected and show us the ways the strategies for community, investment and growth. Get the app - get connected. I am 11Goddess, the creator of Sankofa Village inside the Multiverse Infiniverse. The Sankofa Bird has been adopted as my logo and shows in various areas and near many drops. All lead you to the village. Join me.
'Our History Now' is sharing goals, stores and ideas in the Infiniverse so I hope to see you in Sankofa Village soon.